OVIGOR Limited Liability Company
is implementing a project co-financed by European Funds
named “Expanding economic cooperation and promoting the OVIGOR company on the global market”.
The main objective of the project is to increase export sales by promoting Ovigor brand products on foreign European markets. The promoted products are characterized by many competitive advantages over similar products offered in the industry, which is why it is necessary to promote them appropriately in order to increase export sales.
Project value: PLN 277,435.56
EU funding for the project: PLN 194,204.89
Materials prepared as part of the project implementation:
- Information materials:
- Product labels:
- Product catalogs:
- Video materials:
- A way to keep your pigeons in shape all year round! PowerMix
- A recipe for healthy pigeons free from internal parasites! RobAut TABS
- The impact of iodine on the health and flight form of carrier pigeons! JodPower
- Why should protein be found in every pigeon loft? Protein 66% TABS
- Advice from industry experts