
OviYeast PRO

(EN) Supplementary feed for pigeons with brewer’s yeast and potato protein.

Composition: brewers yeast, potato protein.

Analytical components: crude protein 46%, crude ash 5,5%, crude fiber 1%, crude oils and fats 0,5%, Lysine 3%, methionine 0,5%, sodium 0,7%, potassium 0,0%.

Brewer’s yeast strengthens and stimulates the appetite. It increases feed digestibility, improves fitness and physical performance, and has positive impact in case of digestion disorders. It’s the natural source of B vitamins and pantothenic acid, folic acid, vitamin H as well as such trace elements as copper, iron, zinc, iodine and selenium. Today’s feeds contain less and less legume seeds (source of protein!) as they are “heavy” to the gastrointestinal system. The perfect replacement is brewer’s yeast that contains high-quality and easily assimilable protein. Research in the field of animal nutrition has shown excellent assimilability (90%) of potato protein, obtained in a very difficult and costly process of coagulation of potato cell sap. The share of potato protein makes OviYeast PRO an irreplaceable source of pure protein of the highest degree of digestibility.

Dosage: 10g / 1kg of feed
Raising younglings: 2-3 times,
Flights: day after return
all year round: 1-2 x per week

Net Volume: 600 g

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