
OviGrit 4 EKO

(EN) Supplementary feed mixture for pigeons.

Analytical components: Crude ash 76%, calcium 37%, potassium 16,5%, clay 4,3%, magnesium 0,90%, sodium 0,27%, phosphorus 0,03%, lysine 0%, methionine 0%.

Composition: Calcium carbonate, natural anise

Properties: Easily absorbable grit, containing the most essential naturally available trace elements and minerals. It ensures a healthy growth and the correct formation of the skeletal system, especially in young pigeons. It also provides the body with  calcium and magnesium throughout the season. Ensures the correct functioning of the nervous and muscular systems, supports the formation of new feathers, and improves immunity. Prevents dangerous poisoning in the field. It has a pleasant smell of natural anise.

Dosage: OviGrit 4 Eko should be available for the pigeons to consume without limit throughout the year. It should be administered in separate bowls going with the rule “less but more often” to avoid feed pollution and dust settling.

Net volume: 2,5 kg

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